DAY ONE: Entry and Exit
It is great to see so many children back to school. We are trying to review our entry and exit procedures and you will have to be patient with us as we do this. We have changed many of our protocols inside which should mean we get pupils in quicker and there is no hold up, the big issue is trying to stagger everyone through the door. We would continue to ask that everyone tries to help through observing social distance and Mr Gray will be out with a team of staff to try and support pupils who are finding it difficult to wait.
Unfortunately this will be about trial and review and will take a while to settle down. If you wish to delay coming to the school until after 9am we hope the main pressures will ease.
Thank you for all your support and your words of encouragement this morning. We will get it running smoother, it will just take time but the main thing is, we are open!
Arvalee School and Resource Centre, Strule Campus, Gortin Road, Omagh BT79 7DH Telephone: 028 822 55710