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Arvalee School Resource Centre, Omagh

New Senior Leadership Posts

4th Sep 2024
Dear Friends, Carers and Parents

I hope your child has settled in and is enjoying being back at school and we hope that you had a great summer.

We have grown as a school very quickly and it exciting moving forward with so many wonderful pupils and supportive parents. 

There have been a lot of staff changes due to retirements and the growth in numbers, one of those changes has been in our Senior Leadership. We will update this with further information over the coming days.

Kathleen, Paul and I are all still here but we now have Kate Gallagher-Arruda and Colleen Conway on board as well.

Paul O'Gara is our Head of Learning and looks after the SENCo role within the School. He supports staff in facilitating the curriculum, timetabling and learning for your child as well as a special interest in the teaching of Physical Education and Development.

Kate Gallagher-Arruda is our new Head of Post Primary Learning. She supports staff to organise and develop the daily learning experiences, with a special interest in how we link with the Strule Schools to support your child learning with their peers in the Post-Primary Department. She carries various roles as part of the Senior team, one of which is to support transport home.

Colleen Conway is our Head of Primary Learning. She is based at our First Steps Site but comes across to support the staff across the two sites in the Primary department of the school. She has special interest in developing the Pupil Voice across the school and developing the school, further in the area to make the child's rights central to how we work. She also has skills in music and performance and aims to take this forward for all children. Part of her role will be to develop our Summer Scheme for the children.

As their roles develop in the school, we will try to keep you informed and hope to update this information. Due to these changes, classes have had to change their teacher, please be patient with us as the new staff bed in and get to know your child. All the pupils effected by these changes have been contacted already. 

There are still staff who have been appointed that we are awaiting start dates for, this will move forward as soon as we can and the teacher will try and keep you updated with staff changes if and when possible.

Thank you for your ongoing support and I hope that your child has a great year with us. 
