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Arvalee School Resource Centre, Omagh

Nominations for Parent Representative on the Board of Governors

5th Sep 2024

The School is preparing to enter the next four years of development. With the construction of Strule SE Campus, the development of First Steps and the strategic work of appointing and developing staff, supporting the leadership in moving the school forward and facing the challenges to ensure that the children of Omagh get the best that we can provide. 

The Governors are seeking two Parent Representatives to have important input so that our families have representatives giving input and have a wider understanding of the work of the school. This role demands an understanding of the breadth of the school, confidentiality, and a time commitment to support interview panels and attend a minimum of three meetings a year.

There is access to a training schedule which will include the essential elements of Safeguarding and Child Protection and Interviewing. 

For more information please follow this link DE Information regarding being a Governor

The nominations are open from noon on Friday 6th September to noon on Friday 20th September. 

To nominate yourself or a parent/guardian for this role please complete and submit the following form. ASRC Governor Nomination Form

To nominate or be nominated please ensure that your are a Parent or Guardian of a child currently enrolled within the school. This will be verified when the Nomination is closed on 20th September.

If there is more than two nominations a Ballot will be held and more information will follow. 

Once this process is completed each Representative will receive further information from EA.