Summer Opening and Well done to you all
We are coming to an end of the term this Friday and in the current situation we cannot offer our Summer Scheme but we are going to try and stay around for you until Friday 10th July for a morning of Summer Play @ Arvalee so that we can help any child that we can. There is a lot of building work scheduled so we have limited space but we will do our best to give your child some time with us if he/she needs it.
Each day our SUMMER PLAY @ ARVALEE will be held in school 10am - noon from Monday 29th June until Friday 10th July. You need to get in touch to get information about when your child can come.
In the afternoon we will have a SUMMER FUN with a CORENI broadcast on Facebook live at 2pm which your child can access at home. We will forward more information about this by Friday.
If you need us, please phone the school directly. Let us know by 3pm on Thursday 25 June so that we can let you know what is happening. We still cannot offer free access to the building and the guidance is still to limit numbers and minimise contact. With the essential building work, this may cause a few issues as the building and playground usage will be limited.
After 10th July the EA will hopefully have some fun activities online which we will be able to share with you to help fill the summer period with activity for your child. Arvalee will then complete the construction and prepare to reopen.
We know you are concerned about September and what happens next please see the attached letter for updated information.
The staff are all inspired by the dedication and loving care within each of our families and pass on this clap to show our appreciation.
God Bless
Arvalee School and Resource Centre, Strule Campus, Gortin Road, Omagh BT79 7DH Telephone: 028 822 55710