Two Schools come together for a day of Sport

On Monday 8th February 2016, Post 16 pupils and pupils studying Entry level PE from Arvalee School and Resource Centre and Willowbridge School (Enniskillen) participated in a day of sport, in association with Active Communities Sports coaches. All pupils participated in coaching sessions focusing on developing Agility, Balance and Coordination skills associated with Dodgeball and Olympic Handball. All pupils played their hearts out during the competitions displaying some excellent skills, teamwork and sportsmanship. Arvalee had to work very hard to defeat very determined Willowbridge teams to be crowned the winners of the Dodge ball and Olympic Handball competitions. All pupils are a credit to their schools. A huge thank you to all the staff and pupils from Willowbridge school and Clive 'Active Communities Sports Coach' for participating in the 'Day of sport' and making it a great event.
Arvalee School and Resource Centre, Strule Campus, Gortin Road, Omagh BT79 7DH Telephone: 028 822 55710