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Arvalee School Resource Centre, Omagh

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2019/2020 School Year

31st Mar 2020
Join Mrs Devine our Yr2 Teacher in Attention Autism and Wash your Hands.
31st Mar 2020
Congratulations to Mrs Farrell who had a new baby. Watch this video to enjoy story...
30th Mar 2020
Enjoy our staff as they take you through some tips for working from home.
30th Mar 2020
Remember to explore the web site for videos to keep you learning when you are away...
30th Mar 2020
Heres some helpful tips to keep your mind active and healthy.
30th Mar 2020
Here's a great video of the Cover-19 explained using Makaton.
29th Mar 2020
Hi all, don't forget to check out our Keep Active page with our Physical Education...
29th Mar 2020
It has been announced that families eligible for free school meals will receive...